Hallo ihr süßen Mäuse, wie geht es euch? Ich weiß, ich habe lange nichts mehr von mir hören lassen, aber ich war auch echt beschäftigt!
Aaaaaalso: letzte Woche Freitag war also diese fette Uniparty namens Ramadas. Da waren grob geschätzt 1 Millionen Menschen. Wenn man sich da verloren hat, hat man sich auch nciht wiedergefunden, aber es war ein richtig witziger Abend, den wir dann ab 12 mit Camilo & Javier & Wein bei uns zu Hause haben ausklingen lassen. Samstag haben wir dann nichts Ausschlaggebendes gemacht. Am Sonntag waren wir dann in der Kirche & danach ist Fabian, ein Junge aus dem Jugendkreis, mit zu uns gekommen & hat uns ein bisschen bei unseren Reisevorbereitungen für Santiago geholfen. Das war ganz cool, er hat uns uaf jeden Fall viele Tipps & auch ein bisschen Sicherheit geben können! :-) Am Montag hatten wir (aufgrund der "Feierwoche") keinen Spanischunterricht, weswegen ich den ganzen Tag im Projekt war & mich mit kleinen Kindern beschäftigen durfte. Das eine kleine "Baby", das jetzt laufen lernt, Juan heißt der, hat letzte Woche sogar "Hanna" gesagt - ich bin absolut begeistert! Gutes Kind! ;-) & nachmittags hatten wir im Centro quasi ein "Teamgrillen": Essen, schnacken, trinken mit meinen ganzen lieben Mitmenschen von der Arbeit. Das war ein super Abend! Am Dienstag bin ich mit Johanna & Caspar mit ins Porjekt gefahren, weil die an ihrer Schule ein Fest zu den "Fiestas Patrias" mit (wie unerwartet) ganz viel Essen & Trinken vorbereitet haben. Abends haben wir uns mit Camilo getroffen & sind mit ihm zu seiner Familie gefahren, die ein bisschen außerhalb von Concepción lebt, weil wir dort mit der Familie Empanadas machen & mit ihnen den 18. (also DEN Feiertag schlehthin) verbringen wollten. Das war soooooo super! Wir hatten so viel Spaß & vorallem auch leckere Empanadas! - Junge, die Menschen drehen vollkommen ab hier mit dem Essen, wenn's um die Fiestas Patrias geht. Ganz schlimm! Heute ist Sonntag & ich kann kein Essen mehr sehen, aber das ist auch ganz gut so, aber morgen wollen wir 'ne Woche Entschlackungskur machen :-D Mal sehen, wie das wird.
Auf jeden Fall sind wir dann am Donnerstag morgen mit dem Bus 6 Stunden nach Santiago gegurkt & haben einen super Urlaub bis heute verbracht. Ich werde euch am Dienstag alles über unseren Urlaub berichten & auch ein paar Fotos anhängen, weil das ist mir jetzt alles ein bsschen viel, aber als Fazit kann man sagen: Wir hatten einen super Urlaub, sind stolz auf uns, dass wir das zu 3. alles so souverän gemanaged haben, Busfahren hier ist nicht nur günstig, sondern auch bequem, aber jetzt bin ich total fertig von so viel Erfahrungensammeln, dass ich jetzt schlafen gehe.
PS: Ich hoffe, ihr wart alle wählen, liebe Freunde :-P
Hey people, how are you? I know it's been awhile but I was actually really busy the last couple of days!
Okay, here's the deal: Last friday there was that huge party at the University of Conce where were about a million people (no kidding) & which is called "Ramadas". If you lost your group there, you had no chance to find a way back to them. However, it was a really cool party & at midnight, we continued our party at our house with Camilo, Javier & some good Chilean wine. Saturday was just a regular.. let's called it "chill-day". We didn't to anything of great importance. On Sunday we went to church (just as usual), & afterwards Fabian, a guy from our youth group, had lunch with us & told us about the things we could/should do in Santiago. That was quite cool, he gave us some real good hints & was able to encourage us a bit! :-) On Monday we didn't have Spanish Class because of all that stuff about the national holiday "Fiestas Patrias" & that's why I was at my project the whole day & played with those cute Babies there! One of those babies, Juan, who starts walking by himself now, said "Hannah" some time last week - ha, good boy! I'm absolutely impressed! ;-) & in the afternoon we had a Barbecue at work with all those people who work there. That was delicious, fun & a great opportunity to get to know those better with whom I don't have as much contact. Thursday I went to Johanna's & Caspar's project with them, because they had prepared a party at the school where they work, for the "Fiestas Patrias" with (of course) lots of different kinds of food & drinks. In the evening we met Camilo to go to his parents' house, who live a little further apart from Conce, to make Empanadas & to spend THE 18th September (national holiday) with them. That was soooooooo amazing. We didn't only have delicious Empanadas but also a great September 18th Party. - OMG, you cannot imagine how people go crazy here when it's about to be "Fiestas Patrias". SOOOOO MUCH FOOD! Terrible. Today, I cannot stand the smell, look, taste of food anymore but that's a good thing because tomorrow we will start making a "cure" (do you say that in English?) - we'll see how long we can do it :-D
Okay, here's the deal: Last friday there was that huge party at the University of Conce where were about a million people (no kidding) & which is called "Ramadas". If you lost your group there, you had no chance to find a way back to them. However, it was a really cool party & at midnight, we continued our party at our house with Camilo, Javier & some good Chilean wine. Saturday was just a regular.. let's called it "chill-day". We didn't to anything of great importance. On Sunday we went to church (just as usual), & afterwards Fabian, a guy from our youth group, had lunch with us & told us about the things we could/should do in Santiago. That was quite cool, he gave us some real good hints & was able to encourage us a bit! :-) On Monday we didn't have Spanish Class because of all that stuff about the national holiday "Fiestas Patrias" & that's why I was at my project the whole day & played with those cute Babies there! One of those babies, Juan, who starts walking by himself now, said "Hannah" some time last week - ha, good boy! I'm absolutely impressed! ;-) & in the afternoon we had a Barbecue at work with all those people who work there. That was delicious, fun & a great opportunity to get to know those better with whom I don't have as much contact. Thursday I went to Johanna's & Caspar's project with them, because they had prepared a party at the school where they work, for the "Fiestas Patrias" with (of course) lots of different kinds of food & drinks. In the evening we met Camilo to go to his parents' house, who live a little further apart from Conce, to make Empanadas & to spend THE 18th September (national holiday) with them. That was soooooooo amazing. We didn't only have delicious Empanadas but also a great September 18th Party. - OMG, you cannot imagine how people go crazy here when it's about to be "Fiestas Patrias". SOOOOO MUCH FOOD! Terrible. Today, I cannot stand the smell, look, taste of food anymore but that's a good thing because tomorrow we will start making a "cure" (do you say that in English?) - we'll see how long we can do it :-D
Anyways, Thursday morning we took a bus from Conce to Santiago & our first holiday here began. On Tuesday I promise to give you an update on pretty much everything we have experienced there & I will also show you at least some of the pictures I took, but for now you gotta be happy with a short statement: We had a great time, we're kinda proud of ourselves that we managed everything on our own, taking the bus here is not only a cheap possibility but also a comfortable one, but now I'm really tired & need to go to bed.
PS: To all my Germans out here: I hope you participated in the elections!! :-P